Saddle Stool With Medium or High Back

Previously saddle stools have been used more on the continent but as we discover their benefits they are becoming increasingly popular in the UK. So what are the benefits?
- The sitting position opens up the angle between your hips and knees, as a result you spine is held in its natural curve – reducing slouching and improving core muscle strength
- Your legs have to do more work, this is turn takes pressure off the lumbar system
- The open hip angle allows you to lean forward more effectively and get closer to your work
- Ideal for use with sit/stand desks
We have listed 7 fabric options, however this stool can be made in many more fabrics from Camira If you would like different fabric pricing options or a fabric sample please email
At a glance ...
Promotes correct posture and natural spine curve
Options listed are for a 12" spindle which gives a height range of: 570-610mm min to 755-805mm max.
Other spindle sizes are available
Black, Chrome or Silver base
Available in numerous fabric colours
Option of a footring
Ideal for use with sit/stand desks.